Tech Arsenal 1
Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
546 lines
{ }
{ Turbo Pascal for Windows Run-time Library }
{ Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit }
{ }
{ Copyright (c) 1991 Borland International }
{ }
uses WinTypes;
{ General symbols }
max_Data = 11;
max_Path = 255;
max_Module_Name = 8 + 1;
Max_ClassName = 255;
{ Global heap walking }
PGlobalInfo = ^TGlobalInfo;
TGlobalInfo = record
dwSize: Longint;
wcItems: Word;
wcItemsFree: Word;
wcItemsLRU: Word;
PGlobalEntry = ^TGlobalEntry;
TGlobalEntry = record
dwSize: Longint;
dwAddress: Longint;
dwBlockSize: Longint;
hBlock: THandle;
wcLock: Word;
wcPageLock: Word;
wFlags: Word;
wHeapPresent: Bool;
hOwner: THandle;
wType: Word;
wData: Word;
dwNext: Longint;
dwNextAlt: Longint;
{ GlobalFirst()/GlobalNext() flags }
global_All = 0;
global_LRU = 1;
global_Free = 2;
{ TGlobalEntry.wType entries }
gt_Unknown = 0;
gt_DGroup = 1;
gt_Data = 2;
gt_Code = 3;
gt_Task = 4;
gt_Resource = 5;
gt_Module = 6;
gt_Free = 7;
gt_Internal = 8;
gt_Sentinel = 9;
gt_BurgerMaster = 10;
{ If TGlobalEntry.wType = gt_Resource, the following is TGlobalEntry.wData: }
gd_UserDefined = 0;
gd_CursorComponent = 1;
gd_Bitmap = 2;
gd_IconComponent = 3;
gd_Menu = 4;
gd_Dialog = 5;
gd_String = 6;
gd_FontDir = 7;
gd_Font = 8;
gd_Accelerators = 9;
gd_RCData = 10;
gd_ErrTable = 11;
gd_Cursor = 12;
gd_Icon = 14;
gd_NameTable = 15;
gd_Max_Resource = 15;
{ TGlobalEntry.wFlags }
gf_PDB_Owner = $100; { Low byte us KERNAL flags }
function GlobalInfo(lpGlobalInfo: PGlobalInfo): Bool;
function GlobalFirst(lpGlobal: PGlobalEntry; wFlags: Word): Bool;
function GlobalNext(lpGlobal: PGlobalEntry; wFlags: Word): Bool;
function GlobalEntryHandle(lpGlobal: PGlobalEntry; hItem: THandle): Bool;
function GlobalEntryModule(lpGlobal: PGlobalEntry; hModule: THandle; wSeg: Word): Bool;
function GlobalHandleToSel(hMem: THandle): Word;
{ Local heap walking }
PLocalInfo = ^TLocalInfo;
TLocalInfo = record
dwSize: Longint;
wcItems: Word;
PLocalEntry = ^TLocalEntry;
TLocalEntry = record
dwSize: Longint;
hHandle: THandle;
wAddress: Word;
wSize: Word;
wFlags: Word;
wcLock: Word;
wType: Word;
hHeap: Word;
wHeapType: Word;
wNext: Word;
{ TLocalEntry.wHeapType flags }
Normal_Heap = 0;
User_Heap = 1;
gdi_Heap = 2;
{ TLocalEntry.wFlags }
lf_Fixed = 1;
lf_Free = 2;
lf_Moveable = 4;
{ TLocalEntry.wType }
lt_Normal = 0;
lt_Free = $FF;
lt_GDI_Pen = 1; { lt_GDI_* is for GDI's heap }
lt_GDI_Brush = 2;
lt_GDI_Font = 3;
lt_GDI_Palette = 4;
lt_GDI_Bitmap = 5;
lt_GDI_RGN = 6;
lt_GDI_DC = 7;
lt_GDI_Disabled_DC = 8;
lt_GDI_MetaDC = 9;
lt_GDI_MetaFile = 10;
lt_GDI_Max = lt_GDI_MetaFile;
lt_User_Class = 1; { lt_USER_* is for USER's heap }
lt_User_Wnd = 2;
lt_User_String = 3;
lt_User_Menu = 4;
lt_User_Clip = 5;
lt_User_CBox = 6;
lt_User_Palette = 7;
lt_User_ED = 8;
lt_User_BWL = 9;
lt_User_OwnerDraw = 10;
lt_User_SPB = 11;
lt_User_CheckPoint = 12;
lt_User_DCE = 13;
lt_User_MWP = 14;
lt_User_Prop = 15;
lt_User_LBIV = 16;
lt_User_Misc = 17;
lt_User_Atoms = 18;
lt_User_LockInputState = 19;
lt_User_HookList = 20;
lt_User_UserSeeUserDoAlloc = 21;
lt_User_HotKeyList = 22;
lt_User_PopUpMenu = 23;
lt_User_HandleTable = 32;
lt_User_Max = lt_User_HandleTable;
function LocalInfo(lpLocal: PLocalInfo; hHeap: THandle): Bool;
function LocalFirst(lpLocal: PLocalEntry; hHeap: THandle): Bool;
function LocalNext(lpLocal: PLocalEntry): Boolean;
{ Stack Tracing }
PStackTraceEntry = ^TStackTraceEntry;
TStackTraceEntry = record
dwSize: Longint;
hTask: THandle;
wSS: Word;
wBP: Word;
wCS: Word;
wIP: Word;
hModule: THandle;
wSegment: Word;
wFlags: Word;
{ TStackTraceEntry.wFlags values }
frame_Far = 0;
frame_Near = 1;
function StackTraceFirst(lpStackTrace: PStackTraceEntry; hTask: THandle): Bool;
function StackTraceCSIPFirst(lpStackTrace: PStackTraceEntry;
wSS, wCS, wIP, wBP: Word): Bool;
function StackTraceNext(lpStackTrace: PStackTraceEntry): Bool;
{ Module list walking }
PModuleEntry = ^TModuleEntry;
TModuleEntry = record
dwSize: Longint;
szModule : array[0..max_Module_Name + 1] of Char;
hModule: THandle;
wUsageFlags: Word;
szExePath: array[0..max_Path + 1] of Char;
wNext: Word;
function ModuleFirst(lpModule: PModuleEntry): Bool;
function ModuleNext(lpModule: PModuleEntry): Bool;
function ModuleFindName(lpModule: PModuleEntry; lpstrName: PChar): THandle;
function ModuleFindHandle(lpModule: PModuleEntry; hModule: THandle): THandle;
{ Task list walking }
PTaskEntry = ^TTaskEntry;
TTaskEntry = record
dwSize: Longint;
hTask: THandle;
hTaskParent: THandle;
hInst: THandle;
hModule: THandle;
wSS: Word;
wSP: Word;
wStackTop: Word;
wStackMinimum: Word;
wStackBottom: Word;
wcEvents: Word;
hQueue: THandle;
szModule: array[0..max_Module_Name + 1] of Char;
wPSPOffset: Word;
hNext: THandle;
function TaskFirst(lpTask: PTaskEntry): Bool;
function TaskNext(lpTask: PTaskEntry): Bool;
function TaskFindHandle(lpTask: PTaskEntry; hTask: THandle): Bool;
function TaskSetCSIP(hTask: THandle; wCS, wIP: Word): Longint;
function TaskGetCSIP(hTask: THandle): Longint;
function TaskSwitch(hTask: THandle; dwNewCSIP: Longint): Bool;
{ Window Class enumeration }
PClassEntry = ^TClassEntry;
TClassEntry = record
dwSize: Longint;
hInst: THandle;
szClassName: array[0..Max_ClassName + 1] of Char;
wNext: Word;
function ClassFirst(lpClass: PClassEntry): Bool;
function ClassNext(lpClass: PClassEntry): Bool;
{ Information functions }
PMemManInfo = ^TMemManInfo;
TMemManInfo = record
dwSize: Longint;
dwLargestFreeBlock: Longint;
dwMaxPagesAvailable: Longint;
dwMaxPagesLockable: Longint;
dwTotalLinearSpace: Longint;
dwTotalUnlockedPages: Longint;
dwFreePages: Longint;
dwTotalPages: Longint;
dwFreeLinearSpace: Longint;
dwSwapFilePages: Longint;
wPageSize: Word;
function MemManInfo(lpEnhMode: PMemManInfo): Bool;
PSysHeapInfo = ^TSysHeapInfo;
TSysHeapInfo = record
dwSize: Longint;
wUserFreePercent: Word;
wGDIFreePercent: Word;
hUserSegment: THandle;
hGDISegment: THandle;
function SystemHeapInfo(lpSysHeap: PSysHeapInfo): Bool;
{ Interrupt Handling }
{ Hooked interrupts }
int_Div0 = 0;
int_1 = 1;
int_3 = 3;
int_UDInstr = 6;
int_StkFault = 12;
int_GPFault = 13;
int_BadPageFault = 14;
int_CtlAltSysRq = 256;
{ TOOLHELP Interrupt callbacks registered with InterruptRegister should
* always be written in assembly language. The stack frame is not
* compatible with high level language conventions.
* This stack frame looks as follows to the callback. All registers
* should be preserved across this callback to allow restarting fault.
* ------------
* | Flags | [SP + 0Eh]
* | CS | [SP + 0Ch]
* | IP | [SP + 0Ah]
* | Handle | [SP + 08h]
* |Exception#| [SP + 06h]
* | AX | [SP + 04h] AX Saved to allow MakeProcInstance
* | Ret CS | [SP + 02h]
* SP---> | Ret IP | [SP + 00h]
* ------------
TIntCallBack = procedure;
function InterruptRegister(hTask: THandle; lpfnIntCallBack: TIntCallBack): Bool;
function InterruptUnRegister(hTask: THandle): Bool;
{ Notifications:
When a notification callback is called, two parameters are passed
in: a WORD, wID, and another DWORD, dwData. wID is one of
the values nfy_* below. Callback routines should ignore unrecog-
nized values to preserve future compatibility. Callback routines
are also passed a dwData value. This may contain data or may be
a FAR pointer to a structure, or may not be used depending on
which notification is being received.
In all cases, if the return value of the callback is TRUE, the
notification will NOT be passed on to other callbacks. It has
been handled. This should be used sparingly and only with certain
notifications. Callbacks almost always return FALSE.
{ nfy_Unknown: An unknown notification has been returned from KERNEL. Apps
should ignore these. }
nfy_Unknown = 0;
{ nfy_LoadSeg: dwData points to a TNFYLoadSeg structure }
nfy_LoadSeg = 1;
PNFYLoadSeg = ^TNFYLoadSeg;
TNFYLoadSeg = record
dwSize: Longint;
wSelector: Word;
wSegNum: Word;
wType: Word;
hInstance: THandle;
lpstrModuleName: PChar;
{ nfy_FreeSeg: LOWORD(dwData) is the selector of the segment being freed }
nfy_FreeSeg = 2;
{ nfy_StartDll: dwData points to a NFYLOADSEG structure }
nfy_StartDLL = 3;
TNFYStartDLL = record
dwSize: Longint;
hModule: THandle;
wCS: Word;
wIP: Word;
{ nfy_StartTask: dwData is the CS:IP of the start address of the task }
nfy_StartTask = 4;
{ nfy_ExitTask: The low byte of dwData contains the program exit code }
nfy_ExitTask = 5;
{ nfy_DelModule: LOWORD(dwData) is the handle of the module to be freed }
nfy_DelModule = 6;
{ nfy_Rip: dwData points to a NFYRIP structure }
nfy_Rip = 7;
TNFYRip = record
dwSize: Longint;
wIP: Word;
wCS: Word;
wSS: Word;
wBP: Word;
wExitCode: Word;
{ nfy_TaskIn: No data. Callback should do GetCurrentTask() }
nfy_TaskIn = 8;
{ nfy_TaskOut: No data. Callback should do GetCurrentTask() }
nfy_TaskOout = 9;
{ nfy_InChar: Return value from callback is used. If NULL, mapped to 'i' }
nfy_InChar = 10;
{ nfy_OutStr: dwData points to the string to be displayed }
nfy_OutStr = 11;
{ nfy_LogError: dwData points to a TNFYLogError struct }
nfy_LogError = 12;
PNFYLogError = ^TNFYLogError;
TNFYLogError = record
dwSize: Longint;
wErrCode: Word;
lpInfo: PChar; { Error code-dependent }
{ nfy_LogParamError: dwData points to a TNFYLogParamError struct }
nfy_LogParamError = 13;
PNFYLogParamError = ^TNFYLogParamError;
TNFYLogParamError = record
dwSize: Longint;
wErrCode: Word;
lpfnErrorAddr : TFarProc;
lpBadParam: ^Pointer;
{ NotifyRegister() flags }
nf_Normal = 0;
nf_TaskSwitch = 1;
nf_RIP = 2;
TNotifyCallBack = function(wID: Word; dwData: Longint): Bool;
function NotifyRegister(hTask: THandle; lpfn: TNotifyCallBack; wFlags:Word): Bool;
function NotifyUnRegister(hTask: THandle): Bool;
{ Miscellaneous }
procedure TerminateApp(hTask: THandle; wFlags: Word);
{ TerminateApp() flag values }
UAE_Box = 0;
No_UAE_Box = 1;
function MemoryRead(wSel: Word; dwOffset: Longint; lpBuffer: PChar;
dwcb: Longint): Longint;
function MemoryWrite(wSel: Word; dwOffset: Longint; lpBuffer: PChar;
dwcb: Longint): Longint;
PTimerInfo = ^TTimerInfo;
TTimerInfo = record
dwSize: Longint;
dwmsSinceStart: Longint;
dwmsThisVM: Longint;
function TimerCount(lpTimer: PTimerInfo): Bool;
function GlobalInfo; external 'TOOLHELP' index 53;
function GlobalFirst; external 'TOOLHELP' index 51;
function GlobalNext; external 'TOOLHELP' index 52;
function GlobalEntryHandle; external 'TOOLHELP' index 54;
function GlobalEntryModule; external 'TOOLHELP' index 55;
function GlobalHandleToSel; external 'TOOLHELP' index 50;
function LocalInfo; external 'TOOLHELP' index 56;
function LocalFirst; external 'TOOLHELP' index 57;
function LocalNext; external 'TOOLHELP' index 58;
function StackTraceFirst; external 'TOOLHELP' index 66;
function StackTraceCSIPFirst; external 'TOOLHELP' index 67;
function StackTraceNext; external 'TOOLHELP' index 68;
function ModuleFirst; external 'TOOLHELP' index 59;
function ModuleNext; external 'TOOLHELP' index 60;
function ModuleFindName; external 'TOOLHELP' index 61;
function ModuleFindHandle; external 'TOOLHELP' index 62;
function TaskFirst; external 'TOOLHELP' index 63;
function TaskNext; external 'TOOLHELP' index 64;
function TaskFindHandle; external 'TOOLHELP' index 65;
function TaskSetCSIP; external 'TOOLHELP' index 81;
function TaskGetCSIP; external 'TOOLHELP' index 82;
function TaskSwitch; external 'TOOLHELP' index 83;
function ClassFirst; external 'TOOLHELP' index 69;
function ClassNext; external 'TOOLHELP' index 70;
function MemManInfo; external 'TOOLHELP' index 72;
function SystemHeapInfo; external 'TOOLHELP' index 71;
function InterruptRegister; external 'TOOLHELP' index 75;
function InterruptUnRegister; external 'TOOLHELP' index 76;
function NotifyRegister; external 'TOOLHELP' index 73;
function NotifyUnRegister; external 'TOOLHELP' index 74;
procedure TerminateApp; external 'TOOLHELP' index 77;
function MemoryRead; external 'TOOLHELP' index 78;
function MemoryWrite; external 'TOOLHELP' index 79;
function TimerCount; external 'TOOLHELP' index 80;